We Monitor Methane at the most competitive price in the market

Earthview is on a mission to help the world produce cleaner energy. Our team of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs have joined forces to create the ultimate solution for monitoring emissions on oil and gas pads and beyond - introducing the BluBird Continuous Emissions Monitoring System!

We make monitoring easy

The BluBird Continuous Emissions Monitoring System uses state-of-the-art sensors to provide precision air quality monitoring, sending real-time data straight to our cloud-based monitoring platform. With BluBird, you can detect, locate, quantify, and repair leaks faster and cheaper than ever before - giving you the highest return on emissions detection, period. Think of us as your trusty sidekick in the fight against methane emissions. We're here to make sure you're always one step ahead of any leaks or environmental mishaps.

Earthview is Your Ally on the Journey to Net Zero

Earthview is your partner for precision air quality monitoring solutions. The BluBird system provides secure, accurate, and consistent measurements, allowing companies to exercise all practices to mitigate methane emissions. In one case study, Earthview helped a client reduce methane emissions by 77% in just 5 months. This reduction was the equivalent of 1,600 MT of CO2 - the same amount of energy used by 202 homes in a year! So, if you're ready to seamlessly reduce your methane emissions and join the ranks of climate superheroes, let's talk.